Monday, July 27, 2009


Well I just realized that I had Bailey almost 2 months ago and still no new post or new pics to show off my little cutie. I finally got some pictures uploaded and I'm ready to introduce Bailey Kate to the world! But first, here is the short & sweet version of what has been going on for the last 8 weeks:

- Bailey was born on May 28th at 7:51am by csection. She weighted 10lbs. 10oz, 20ins. long with a head full of dark straight hair.

- She had to spend the first 3 days of her life in the NICU because she had some issues with her oxygen levels and blood pressure. We also found out while she was in there that she has a hole in one of her heart chambers, but nothing to be alarmed about. More than likely as she gets bigger the hole will close up by itself. You wouldn't even be able to tell that she had anything wrong with her now.

- I bounced back pretty quickly from my c-section, but in the long end would have much rather pushed her out.

- Logan adores his little sister and wants to give her hugs & kisses ALL the time!

- Billy finished up his summer internship and is finally working full time making a paycheck, but only for a few more weeks until he starts his second year of pharmacy school.

- I went back to work after 6 weeks of pretending to be a stay at home mom. All I have to say is that I have the utmost respect for women who stay at home with their children. I don't think I am cut out for that because I was excited to get back to work although I do miss going to the park with the kids!

- Logan and Bailey had to start a new daycare because our old one closed while I was on maternity leave. Luckily, Logan adjusted really well and loves it.

- We are moving again. :( This time we are staying put until Billy gets done with school and we buy a house. Only 2 more years! I can't even tell you how excited we are going to be to own our home!

That pretty much sums it up. I will be posting like crazy with new pics and happenings now since I got this first one done! Without further adieu...


LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

HOLY CRAP! I feel soo out of the loop... I completely spaced that you had an entire new person in your cute fam! I'm an awful friend, sorry. :) So glad to hear you're all doing well and that Logan is so darling with her. We're going to have a serious catch-up and photo session when I come home next!!!

Lindsay said...

Sooooo cute! This makes me so excited to have another baby! And being a stay at home mom definitely isn't for everyone. I know I couldn't do what you do... I'm scared to ever work again!

Where are you guys moving to?

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! She's precious! Congrats!

Shelly Benson said...

What a pretty little baby she is and yea for the new post - it's fun to hear about what you guys are up to!

PS - Just as a reassurance (doesn't sound like you are too worried about it) my first, Mack, had a hole in his heart chamber, too, and it had closed up when we got him checked at 1 year.

Mandi Roth said...

Yea for a post!! I love the pictures. She is such a cutie. I'm still so sad that your moving. I hope it's a good move. I will miss you! Keep me updated with your cute family!

Bridgette said...

It is about time!!! But well worth the wait! Could she be any cuter!!!! I want to hug and squeeze her! Love you and miss you!

Heather said...

Awww, Jenner she is beautiful! I am so happy to hear that she is healthy and that you recovered quickly. Aren't babies great?

The Dell Family said...

First of all -- CONGRATS Bailey is darling. I thought about that name for Emberlynn. I love that name. She is sooooo pretty, She is Perfect, but I bet I don't have to tell you that.

Secondly ---WHAT You are moving???? Please say you are moving but in the same ward. I feel like I just started to get to know you guys.

Well take good care of Bailey. She's a doll. Wonderful to hear all is well!

Ashley McKinnon said...

She's beautiful! Congrats!

Heatherbether said...

Congrats! I'm planning on coming down for our reunion so hopefully I can meet your adorable little family and catch up.

jeannine brown said...

dear covington family, it is mom, i am setting up on grandma browns computer an acc. so she will be able to comment. we love your blog great pic's such a sweet family you are and i am so happy to call you mine!!! love mom