Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well I went and had my 35 week ultrasound to get a good idea of how big this baby is going to be. When Logan was born, I think he shocked the doctor a little bit when he came out looking like a 3 month old (we knew he was going to be big, but not 10 1/2 lbs big) so he wanted to prepare himself this time around. No suprise, she is in the 90% and is pretty big. I was thrilled when they told me she has a lot of hair! I didn't even know they could tell that on an ultrasound, but sure enough you can see the outline of her head and then just tons of fuzz all around it. Too bad it wasn't in color so we could see if she was going to have red hair like Logan! Everything looked great and she is doing exactly what she is supposed to be doing except for the fact that she doesn't like to be upside down! Yep... she is breech and the fact that she is so big doesn't help her chances of flipping over since she just doesn't have too much room. From the very beginning, I always said I didn't want a C-section mostly just for the fact that I already pushed a 10 1/2 lber. out so might as well just keep doing that, but obviously I will go along with anything that is better for her. I see my doctor tomorrow to figure out a game plan! Keep your eye out for another update when I get one. :)

By the way, Billy and I decided on a name. I got to pick the first name and Billy picked the middle name. We are super excited to finally see what our little Bailey Kate Covington looks like! :)


Mandi Roth said...

I hope you figure out the game plan. I can't wait to see your little girl! How fun that you picked the name. I love it. Keep me updated! :)

Lindsay said...

Aww, I love the name! Congrats, I can't believe you're that close to having another baby! Good luck with everything, and I guess you can always pray that she flips around!

holly said...

hopefully she does that flip! having a c-section wasn't the end of the world, but it wasn't the greatest either!!

i love her name....what a perfect middle name :)

we just found out we're expecting our second one (but not until far away!!)

so excited for you guys!!! i can't wait to see lots of pictures!!

Heather said...

What a great name! I am so excited for you guys, if not a little jealous that you are almost done being pregnant!

There are said to be exercises you can do to naturally turn a breech baby, though they don't always work. The one that seems to be most commonly recommended is to lie on your back and raise your pelvis 12-30 cm off the ground by placing firm pillows underneath. You're supposed to do this 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach for 10-15 min.
Good luck and either way I'm sure she's going to be just beautiful!

Lindsey said...

Love the name! Avrie was a 10 pounder, and the next two were cake! Good luck, I hope she flips! I will be checking up on you!

Larsens said...

Chiroprators can flip babies! Find a chiroprator that does the Webster technique. I know of flipping a baby at 39 weeks. Its possible!
Good luck(:

The Giffs said...

Super cute name! I'm so excited. I'll be checking for updates but honestly please call if you go into labor and want me to come and get Logan. I'd be glad to help in any way!

jessenpetty said...

Oh, how exciting and scary all at the same time! Love the name!! It was fun seeing you at RC Willey that one day!! Wish we saw you guys more often! Keep us posted. We love you guys!