Monday, April 6, 2009


This past weekend was my good friend Nicole's little girl's 1st birthday. I was soo excited that she asked me to do the cake! Julia loves elephants so this is what I came up with. All the elephant figures and bows I made with fondant. Again, there are tons of things that I could've done better with, but they loved it! But I do have to admit, I am NOT doing any more cakes until after I have the baby. I am completely worn out now! :)


Lindsey said...

I hope you're ready to make cakes again by June, because I'm totally asking you to make Avrie's cake!

Heather said...

All your cakes are AMAZING! It kind of makes me want to take a Wilton class...not that I'm nearly as artistic as you.

Lindsay said...

I love the little elephants! You did an awesome job! It's fun doing cakes like this, but I totally get how you would be worn out!

Mandi Roth said...

That cake is so dang awesome!!! LOVE the elephants, I am a huge fan. I bet you are worn out, but your so talented.

Heatherbether said...

Wow, I had no idea you were so talented! Your kids are lucky-- their b-day cakes are going to be the talk of the town. I see a side business coming on...

Larsens said...

Whoa..Im totally impressed!

Darci said...

Jenner you are amazing!! That is a beautiful cake!

The Giffs said...

Holy stinking cow! You are so incredible.