Thursday, October 2, 2008


After trying for almost a year, Billy and I are FINALLY going to have another baby! We are super excited and are very grateful for this blessing. This past year has been a struggle with alot of frustrations since I didn't get pregnant as quickly as we hoped I would. Along with that, Billy and I got out of the habit of going to church every Sunday so we lost that comforting feeling that it would all work out. When we moved to our own house, though, we realized how much we missed being a part of a ward family and feeling Heavenly Father's spirit so when we moved in, we found our ward and made a promise to ourselves that we would work hard to become active again. Well as soon as we started going to church and doing the things that we were supposed to be doing we found out we were pregnant. All I have to say is WOW! I have always had a testimony that Heavenly Father will bless us if we are obedient, but this experience has strengthened it so much more. It is so relieving to feel like someone is watching out for us again and to know that no matter how high the highs are and how low the lows are we are going to be just fine as long as we keep our promises to him! :)


The Nance Family said...

Congratulations, I am so happy for your family. It's amazing how Heavenly father works, I definitely don't always understand, but somehow and some way it all works out. I'm glad it has turned into a great faith building experience, we all definitely need to be reminded once and a while, I can tell you that about myself. When is your do date?

Bridgette said...

Hooray!!!! Hooray!!!! Hooray!!! I can't wait to talk! I'm so excited for you and Billy, and Logan! He is going to make an awesome older brother! We'll talk soon!
Love you!!!

Ashley McKinnon said...

I am tearing up right now! What an awesome post! I am so excited for you guys!

Darci said...

CONGRATS!! I am so excited for you!

Heather said...

Wow, Jenner! Congrats!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! I know how frustrating the trying process can be each month! Let me know when you have a free day, and we could have lunch at the park or something so the kids can play and we can catch up!

Larsens said...

Congrats! So awesome to here this helped remind me that everyone has struggles and with the Lords help we can make it through! Im excited to be back in touch with you guys. Sorry it took this long):

The Giffs said...

Yippee! I'm glad I found your blog and read this or else I would have been walking around super clueless. How are you feeling? Can I do anything for you?

Jocelyn Hobson said...

so exciting!! congrats!! Kids are so dang fun!!