Saturday, January 10, 2009


I know, I know... old news right. Well I actually just discovered the madness. At first I really felt sorry for all those people who were obessed, but was anxious to see the movie. I love high school romance stories (mostly because they are usually so sweet and innocent) and I love vampires!! I had told Billy about wanting to go see the movie so he got me the book to read first. I started the addiction on Tuesday night and couldn't put it down and had it finished by Thursday afternoon. I am pretty ashamed to say that I was actually reading it under my desk at work, always checking over my shoulders so no one would bust me as well as at stop lights! (Billy was pretty upset about the last one) As much as I LOVED it, I was soo happy to have it finished just so I could get back to my normal daily activities. I made the mistake of telling our receptionist how much I enjoyed it so she thought she was doing me a favor by bringing me the other 3 to read. WHAT THE HECK!! On Friday, Logan wasn't feeling good in the morning so we stayed home. Bummer for him, but lucky for me!! Needless to say I read the whole friggin day and finished the 2nd book up by 10pm. I purposely left the last two at work so I could get some things done this weekend, but I have a feeling that this addiction will kick back in full gear first thing on Monday morning when I get to work.

P.S. I wish there were more authors like this one who makes the most out of a touch or a single kiss and doesn't feel the need to get any further R rated than that. I can't even tell you how nice and easy it was to read knowing that there was no uncomfortable or unnecessary obsene situations the further along I got. TWO THUMBS UP FOR ME!!!


jessenpetty said...

That is soo FUNNY!! I was the same way! I read all 4 in 5 days! Needless to say, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING got done. In my opinion...Jess can put up with it for a 5 days. The only difference is, I saw the movie first and was interested/curious in more of the details so I borrowed the book from Michelle and couldn't put it down! I agree with the "R" rated thing. It's really nice to read a GOOD and CLEAN love story. My only complaint was that she probably could have made the 500 page book into a 300 page book. Kind of repetative and a little too detailed. Other than that...the books were good and I LOVED the movie! Happy New Year!

jessenpetty said...

Whoa! Sorry for the novel! I didn't realize it was that long! SHEESH!

Heather said...

I am so onboard with you here! For the longest time I refused to jump on the Twilight bandwagon. I hate annoying fads! But then last week I was at Sam's Club looking at the book selection and Twilight was on sale for only $7. I couln't pass that up! I got through the first two books in 4 nights, and poor Ash has been feeling very neglected. He says I'm like a junkie with these books. I bought the third one yesterday at Target but I'm trying to hold off on starting it. There is too much laundry piling up from my lack of attention to the household chores!
So have you seen the movie yet? I haven't and I'm worried it will ruin it for me. I heard it wasn't very good.

Sarah said...

I found your blog through the Petty's! I love reading about everything! Congrats on the new baby!

I resisted the whole movement for a long time. A friend gave me the first one when I didn't have anything else to distract me. I read the entire series in a week! They are enjoyable. And you don't have to worry about the language or situations which is wonderful!

Michelle Campbell said...

I loved all the books!! And just like you I didn't get anything done while I was reading them... they were soooo addicting. Clint's read all of them too and really liked them.